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- 100 poke56,28:poke55,0:clr
- 110 cc=0:print"[147][144] banner printer [146]":print"press a key:"
- 120 print"u[146]_for upper case and graphics":print"l[146]_for upper/lower case"
- 130 print"c[146]_for custom character set (character data must be in place!)"
- 140 getch$:ifch$=""then140
- 150 ifch$="u"thench=32768:printchr$(142):goto190
- 160 ifch$="l"thench=32768+2048:printchr$(14):goto190
- 170 ifch$="c"thenfork=7424to7431:pokek,0:next:poke36869,255:ch=7168:goto190
- 180 goto140
- 190 print"[147]what character do you want to make up the large letters":gosub490
- 200 pp$=mt$:print"[147]what is your message ":gosub490:n$=mt$
- 210 print"how tall (1 to 9)";:inputts:ifts<1thents=1
- 220 print"how wide (1 to"ts"[157])";:inputws:ifws>tsorws<1thenws=1
- 230 open1,4
- 240 forl=1tolen(n$)
- 250 a$=mid$(n$,l,1):print"printing[146] "a$:ifa$=" "thengosub460:goto360
- 260 q=asc(a$):q=q+(q>63)*64+(q>191)*64+(q=255)*33
- 270 i=ch+q*8
- 280 forj=7to0step-1
- 290 fork=7to0step-1
- 300 b=peek(i+k)
- 310 ifband2^jthenfort=1tots:pr$=pr$+pp$:nextt:goto330
- 320 fort=1tots:pr$=pr$+" ":nextt
- 330 nextk
- 340 forx=1tows:print#1,chr$(15)spc((72-ts*8)/2)pr$chr$(8):nextx:pr$=""
- 350 nextj
- 360 nextl
- 370 print#1,chr$(8):close1
- 380 poke36879,26:ifpeek(36869)=255thencc=1:poke36869,240
- 390 print"[147]press a key:":print"x to exit program":print"r to reprint message"
- 400 print"n to enter new message"
- 410 gety$:ify$=""then410
- 420 ify$="x"thenopen1,4:print#1,chr$(15):close1:poke36879,27:print"[147]":end
- 430 ify$="r"thengosub470:print"[147]"n$:goto230
- 440 ify$="n"then110
- 450 goto410
- 460 forx=1to8*ws:print#1,chr$(8):next:return
- 470 ifcc=1thenpoke36869,255:cc=0
- 480 return
- 490 poke198,5:poke631,5:poke632,34:poke633,34:poke634,20:poke635,144
- 500 mt$="":inputmt$:return